One Water One Watershed
California bond funding has traditionally been distributed on a competitive basis using the Integrated Regional Watershed Management Program, but the Santa Ana Watershed Planning Authority suggested a different system.
The Santa Ana Watershed Planning Authority is a joint powers agency established to operate the desalters along the Santa Ana River, the Santa Ana River Interceptor Line and plan for the Santa Ana Watershed.
The Planning Authority proposed an idea to distribute bond funds from a holistic perspective based on knowledge of the Santa Ana watershed. With an understanding of all the challenges that the region faces in dealing with water resiliency, they created One Water One Watershed.
Coastkeeper’s President, Garry Brown, has served on the One Water One Watershed Steering Committee since its inception to help make funding recommendations to the Santa Ana Watershed Planning Authority Board of Commissioners.
For north and central Orange County, western Riverside County and southwestern San Bernardino County, the One Water One Watershed Steering Committee is comprised of City and County elected officials, industry, business and environmental representatives, plus a representative from the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The role of the committee is to vet proposed applications for funding and weigh the benefits of each project to the watershed as a whole.