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Clean Water Fund

The Clean Water Fund supports Coastkeeper’s work to safeguard Orange County’s 42 miles of coastline and hundreds of miles of rivers and streams. Coastkeeper’s sole mission is to ensure our rivers, harbors, and coastal waters are swimmable, fishable, drinkable and sustainable.

Leading companies know the value of partnering and investing in environmental programs — it’s an investment in their business and employees. The Clean Water Fund connects those leaders to boost the value of our most important resource: water.

It’s All About Teamwork


We protect your ROW — Return on Water — by speaking on your behalf. The Clean Water Fund fuels a team of environmental experts who look after your clean water investment so that you can focus on what you do best — running your business.


We don’t let others cheapen your investment — we hold them to the federal, state and local laws. You don’t have to skip a beat while running your business, because you know that Coastkeeper holds polluters accountable to ensure your right, and your employee’s rights, to clean water.

Our History of Success

The Clean Water Fund has worked in a multitude of industries over the years to improve water quality and set the standards that benefit Orange County businesses.

SmartScape of Southern California Edison

Partnered to create and maintain a three-acre SmartScape garden on the California Edison property, resulting in:

  • 50 percent reduction in maintenance costs
  • 48 percent reduction in irrigation water use
  • 54 percent reduction in carbon emissions
  • 100 percent capture and mitigation of onsite stormwater

Waterways Protection

Coastkeeper has brought over 60 enforcement actions to prevent pollutants from entering our waterways – all successful.

Scrap Metal Industry

Coastkeeper collaborated with the scrap metal industry to establish runoff standards and improve water quality. This greatly benefited both the environment and business as it provided to the businesses a clear path to an achievable standard that also ensure competition across the industry.

Rigs to Reefs

Coastkeeper hosted the first-ever multi-disciplinary conference to address conversions of decommissioned oil and gas platforms into artificial, ecologically functional reefs. This helped change state law that allowed platform operators to leave them partially in place as viable producing fish reefs. Rig to Reefs has been popular with fishermen, the oil industry, government regulators, and a large segment of the environmental community.

Orange County Sanitation District

Coastkeeper successfully advocated for the sanitation district to adopt full secondary treatment of sewage discharged to the ocean, improving our coastal waters, creating a reliable water supply, and benefiting the people of Orange County employed by industries such as tourism, hospitality and water sports.

Your support for Coastkeepers’ Clean Water Fund is the most economical way to ensure our waterways, harbors, and coastal waters have clean water and healthy habitats. We will do the hard part — enforcing clean water laws and advocacy. Coastkeeper needs to raise $1.5 million to guarantee an active advocacy and enforcement program, thus generating your Return on Water.

**Please clarify donations for the Clean Water Fund**

To become involved with the Coastkeeper Clean Water Fund, contact Steve Bone, Board Chairman, at, or Garry Brown, President and Founder, at, or give us a call at (714) 850-1965.